Amazing Quick Feed
Excellent early feed with fast establishment providing high winter production. Late flowering makes for great bailing and silage options.
Seed Mixture:
60% Amazon T Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass
40% Achieve Diploid Italian Ryegrass
- Designed for early feed
- Establishes fast
- Provides high quality feed with strong winter production
- Late flowering means it is also suitable as a hay and silage option.
Sowing Rate:
Dryland 15-20kg/ha, Irrigation/High Rainfall 25-30kg/ha
Rainfall Min:
Agronomy Guidelines:
Paddock preparations
Can be direct drilled or sown into a cultivated seedbed. Can be oversown into existing pasture sward. Cultivate seed bed if the ground is uneven.
Sowing depth
Shallow (10-15mm), using a roller will ensure good seed-soil contact and improve germination rates.
Weed control
A weed-free seedbed allows for better establishment results. The use of herbicides prior to sowing can alleviate competition from weeds. Speak to your local agronomist for herbicide recommendations.
The use of fertiliser at sowing will improve the establishment and yield of pasture.
Grazing management
Pasture should not be grazed until adequately anchored (can not be pulled out easily). Ryegrass is better suited to rotational grazing, allowing plants to re-grow to the 2-3 leaf stage before grazing again.
Click here for tech sheet